Sing for Pleasure is seeking a forward-thinking person with strong strategic and leadership skills to provide services as CEO, and take this highly successful charity into the next phase of its development.
This is an excellent opportunity for an independent consultant to work with a passionate and dedicated management team of highly skilled professional musicians and music educators who give of their time voluntarily to lead the organisation.
The CEO will be responsible for strategic development, offer operational support and have financial oversight of the charity. They will represent the organisation both at home, in a range of exciting collaborations, and occasionally abroad, with our international colleagues. The CEO will have drive and enthusiasm for the wealth of benefits that singing has to offer and ensure ongoing financial sustainability by leading on a revised fundraising strategy to enable the charity to maintain its current delivery plan and to expand this in the future.
We seek every opportunity to increase the diversity of our team and welcome applications from all sectors and backgrounds.
Role: Self-employed Consultant, designated as Chief Executive Officer
Services: Providing 50 days of work during a twelve-month period, delivering the objectives of the role. A one-year contract will be offered initially.
Fee: £12,000
Location: Working from home
Accountable to: Chair and Board of Trustees of Sing for Pleasure
Direct reports: Head of Events, Head of Conductor Training, Head of Finance, Head of Publications, Head of Learning and Participation, Head of Marketing
Key relationships: National Choral Organisations, Ǻ Coeur Joie, Chair & Board of Trustees
For full details, including how to apply, see:
Informal enquiries may be directed to the Miles Wallis-Clarke (Chair of Trustees) –