Sing for Pleasure

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Why not Join sign up for a Sing for Pleasure Membership?

Since 1964, Sing for Pleasure has been committed to spreading the enjoyment of singing. We do this by training choral leaders on our conducting courses, publishing effective road-tested songbooks, and running events for singers of all ages.

Our members are crucial in supporting the work we do. With little external funding, we simply couldn't run the events we do without your help. So please join us today and help us continue to invest in choral futures and champion singing for pleasure.

Join Sing for Pleasure

SfP membership gives you access to an exciting array of benefits and discounts, including a £55 discount on courses, a free songbook, 10% off SfP publications in our shop, and discounts from our partners Banks Music and Choir & Organ.
Join today and help us to invest in choral futures.

Member Benefits

Alongside the feel-good factor of supporting our mission, as a valued member you’ll enjoy:

  • A free SfP songbook
    When you sign up, we’ll send you one of our latest songbooks in your welcome pack, as a thank you gift.
  • £55 off SfP courses
    Earn your membership fee back when attending any conducting course, or Summer School singing course. You can also claim a half-price place at any SfP Community Choir Showcase, and you’re guaranteed priority places on oversubscribed events (voice parts permitting).
  • 10% discount on all SfP publications and merchandise
    You’ll get an even better discount of 20% when you place a bulk order, and you can also hire SfP publications from us at a low-cost rate, to use with your choirs.
  • Exclusive resources through the members area of our website
    These could include recordings of our Junior Songbook Pack, SfP Pointers on a range of choral topics from our tutor team, and more
  • Discounts from our partners, Banks Music and Choir & Organ
    You can claim a 10% discount on any order over £25 from Banks Music, and you’re also entitled to a 15% discount on a subscription to Choir & Organ magazine. We’ll add more partners over time, so look out for some exciting new discounts!
  • Our new annual glossy magazine, Vocalise
    The new Vocalise, launching in 2021, is better than ever – now in a new glossy, extended format, containing a selection of articles and hints and tips for singers and conductors; and as a member, you’ll be able to advertise in Vocalise at a discounted rate. We’ll also send you our monthly e-newsletter automatically, keeping you updated on the latest SfP news.

All this for just £45 a year (£15 for under-26s). Join Sing for Pleasure now!


Events >

Sing for Pleasure runs events for singers and vocal leaders throughout the year at venues around the country

rose, music, rose bloom

Shop >

Sing for Pleasure offers a range of songbooks and merchandise for adults and children, available to buy online