Sing for Pleasure

Christmas Repertoire Pack

Christmas Repertoire Pack


This repertoire pack offers a delightful selection of flexible 2- and 3-part Christmas songs, carols and rounds that will take your choir from Advent through to Epiphany.

Noel Nouvelet (ASB #1)

Noel Nouvelet is a set of six attractive French carols. They have been arranged musically yet simply enough for them to be within the ability level of the average small choir. The arrangers have taken care that the vocal lines flow easily and that the range is not too demanding, and the carols in three parts (SAB) will be particularly useful to choirs which have few men's voices.

Bells are Ringing (JSB #12)

Bells are Ringing is a collection of ten Christmas songs and carols aimed at Key Stages 2 and 3. Featuring rounds and simple part songs, Bells are Ringing would be perfect for developing choral tone and unaccompanied singing in children, while preparing for a Christmas concert. Edited by Jill Henderson-Wild.

Members can access recordings of these songs here. Become a member today to access these exclusive, free resources. 

A Star is Born (JSB #17)

A Star is Born features 10 two-part Christmas songs for equal voices, some of which are new compositions, alongside arrangements of old favourites. All these songs have been road-tested and represent a variety of styles to encourage singers to develop different aspects of vocal technique; the full set of  songs would work well as a basis for a Christmas concert or carol service, in the order presented. All music is designed to work a cappella, but chord symbols are provided to aid accompaniment if desired.

Members can access a guide on how to use this songbook here, and are able to download recordings here. Become a member today to access these exclusive, free resources. 

Edited by Don Gillthorpe, with contributed works from Baz Chapman, Sarah Budd, Suzzie Vango, Catherine Beddison, Manvinder Rattan, Katy Lavinia Cooper, Catriona Downie, Mark Jordan, Ula Weber, and Oli Tarney.

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