Sing for Pleasure

Conducting Technique – Brock McElheran

Conducting Technique – Brock McElheran


This book starts at the very beginning and ends with some remarkably profound insights on conductorial subtleties. An experienced conductor is one in whom detection, diagnosis, and remedy take place simultaneously; as he hears the error, he realises where the fault lies and what to do about it. This book gives valuable hints about these three basic conductorial functions from the viewpoint of chorus and orchestra alike. McElheran leads the student toward mastery of the problems at hand, with firmness and gentle humour. SfP CEO, Manvinder Rattan, recommends this guide: “This is a great book for beginner and experienced conductors alike. It’s practical and easy to read and at the end of each chapter it suggests relevant exercises, firstly for the novice conductor and secondly for the experienced one; however experienced a conductor you are, it’s never too late to check that we’re on the right tracks!”

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