Sing for Pleasure

Simi Jadech (ASB #2)

Simi Jadech (ASB #2)


Simi Jadech is a set of ten dance songs and rounds arranged by Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, edited by Elisabeth J Wild. Selected from Pat’s favourite pieces, the book includes music for SATB and SAB choirs, arranged to be enjoyable and effective to sing. Particularly popular is the title piece, Simi Jadech, which would be a fitting finale to any concert.

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1. Juliana.
2. Going to Boston.
3. Simi Jadech.
4. Balquidder Lasses.
5. Three Rhythmic Rounds (In Athens, Liszt and Brahms, Furiante).
6. Come, My Love.
7. Old Joe Clark.
8. Two Dance Rounds (Waltz, Fandango).
9. Dick’s Maggot.
10. I’ve Been to Harlem.

Composer Information

Pat Shuldham-Shaw travelled the world to research folk music and to collect melodies, many of which he subsequently arranged for choirs and for Sing for Pleasure. His genial personality and warmth attracted many friends, and this book includes some of his most popular pieces which illustrate his twin loves of folk dance and choral singing.