Hire SfP Publications

SfP is happy to offer choir sets of our publications for hire. Hire charges are as follows:

SfP members: 40p per copy per month

Non-members: 50p per copy per month (join for just £40 here)

You can enquire about hiring from the library stock using the form below. If you would like to hire more copies than we show on the table below, or would like to hire an SfP publication not displayed, please get in touch and we will try to help.

All my trials Adult Songbook 4 SfP Heritage SAB 143
A star is born Junior Songbook 17 KS3 Essentials, Christmas, 2-part essentials Flexible 2-part 25
Bells are Ringing Junior Songbook 12 Christmas Flexible 2-part, Rounds 30
Boom Chicka Boom Junior Songbook 1 KS1 Essentials Unison, Rounds 15
Build a bridge Adult Songbook 15 Community Choirs, SATB Essentials SATB 60
Camptown Races Adult Songbook 12 Flexible Voicing, KS3 Essentials, Community Choirs Flexible 3-part 79
Cantate Domino Adult Songbook 11 Church Choirs SATB 101
Down in the River Adult Songbook 13 Folk Songs & Dances SAB, SATB 206
Dreamtime Junior Songbook 11 KS2 Essentials Flexible 2 and 3-part, Rounds 28
Europa Cantat SfP Legacy 36
Ghosts Junior Songbook 9 Flexible 3-part, Rounds 21
Golden Rounds Adult Songbook 11 Rounds Rounds 84
I'm gonna sing Junior Songbook 8 Flexible 3-part, Rounds 54
It’s my round SfP Legacy 11
Jazz Missa Brevis Adult Songbook 16 Church Choirs SSATB
Jean Harlow Adult Songbook 6 SATB Essentials, Community Choirs SATB, SAB, Rounds 148
Liverpool Lou Adult Songbook 5 SfP Heritage SATB 27
Lost in Space Junior Songbook 7 KS2 Essentials Flexible 3-part, Rounds 28
Loth to Depart SfP Legacy 39
Noel Nouvelet Adult Songbook 1 Christmas, Church Choirs SAB, SATB 70
Over Jordan SfP Legacy 25
O Lux Beata Adult Songbook 9 Community Choirs, Flexible Voicing, Folk Songs & Dances Flexible 4-part, Rounds 177
Perry Merry Dixie SfP Legacy 47
Popacatpetl Junior Songbook 4 Unison, Rounds 20
Rock and Roll a-round Junior Songbook 6 Flexible 3-part, Rounds 28
Roundabout SfP Legacy 39
Round and Round Adult Songbook 7 Rounds Rounds 22
Sacramento Adult Songbook 3 SfP Heritage SATB 67
Shosholoza Adult Songbook 14 Flexible Voicing Flexible 3-part 196
Silver Trumpet Junior Songbook 16 2-part Essentials Flexible 2-part 16
Simi Jadech Adult Songbook 2 Folk Songs & Dances SAB, SATB 57
Sing a song of sixpence Junior Songbook 15 2-part Essentials, KS3 Essentials Flexible 2-part 83
Sing easy book 8 SfP Legacy 10
Tall Straw Hat Junior Songbook 5 Unison, Rounds 29
Tone the Bell Easy SfP Legacy 10
Ziggy Da Dumba (with CDs) Junior Songbook 14 KS2 Essentials Unison 13