Sing for Pleasure

Summer School 2022

Summer School ~ 13-22 August 2022 ~ Venue tbc

Ranging from the popular singers’ and choral courses, through Foundation and Intermediate choral conducting levels to the demands of the Advanced conducting course, there is something for every choral enthusiast at Summer School.  The sociable atmosphere of the week generates an extremely supportive learning environment, which in turn leads to a high level of achievement and enjoyment, with many participants returning again and again.


The course starts on Saturday evening with dinner and ends after breakfast on the final Sunday. Each day will begin with a vocal warm-up, followed by a combined choral session, emphasising the place of singing at the heart of the organisation. The separate courses then follow their own programmes of workshop sessions, study periods and refreshment breaks during the day. After dinner each evening there is time to relax and participate in a varied programme of concerts and informal social activities.

Conducting Courses

We recommend that individuals who have not undertaken any SfP training in the past attend one of the following two courses at Summer School:

The Foundation course is for complete beginners or those keen to discover the basics of our approach. It is a particularly appropriate course for those wishing to lead singing in the classroom as well as for those working with adults, as it provides the key skills upon which further development can be built. Repertoire at this level is simple. Rounds and easy part songs allow every opportunity to work through most conducting challenges without being so complicated that they get in the way of learning the skills that participants need. Course aims and objectives for Foundation level can be found here.

Participants with some experience of conducting and vocal leadership will benefit from this course. It builds on the skills developed at Foundation level and uses more challenging repertoire to stretch participants further. Repertoire at this level is more challenging than at Foundation level without being so demanding that it gets in the way of effective learning, and provides an excellent preparation for the demands of our higher graded courses. Course aims and objectives for Intermediate 1 level can be found here.

It may be possible for conductors and vocal leaders with suitable experience to join our Intermediate 2 or Advanced level courses for the week, subject to approval by the Head of Conductor Training; please email us to enquire.

Bursaries for International Attendees

For 2022, we are delighted to be able to offer a number of bursaries to non-UK nationals who attend one of our conducting courses, thanks to financial support from the ECA's Training Leading Voices project.  These bursaries, amounting to 500 euros per recipient, will cover approximately 50% of the full course fee, including accommodation for the week; they will be available in the first instance to those leading singing with primary school children (aged 4-11 years), or those aged under 26 who are considering a career in the field.  Secondary music teachers working with pupils aged 11-18 years may also be considered, depending on demand.

If you are interested in joining us at Summer School from overseas, and would like to register your interest in one of these bursaries, please complete this form and we will be in touch once booking opens in Spring 2022.


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Sing for Pleasure offers a range of events, publications, and resources for singers, conductors, and teachers