Member Resources
Webinar Handouts
Notes and handouts featuring resources and other useful references from our series of webinars will be available to download below after each has taken place.
Series 1 (April-May 2020)
The Workplace Choir with Manvinder Rattan
Working with Community Choirs with Ula Weber
Accessing Free Repertoire with Katy Cooper
Teaching Points in Simple Songs with Catherine Beddison
Plainchant for Choral Directors with Tomos Watkins
Series 3 (July-August 2020)
Russian Orthodox Music with Sarah Tenant-Flowers
Vocal Keep Fit with Suzzie Vango
Booking & Managing Instruments with Stephen Gregson
Working with Changing Voices with Don Gillthorpe
Repertoire for Community Choirs with Stuart Overington
Series 5 (November-December 2020)
Social Prescribing with Emily Foulkes and Baz Chapman - Full Presentation
Social Prescribing - SfP Timeline Chart
Social Prescribing - Singing for Health Model
Series 2 (May-June 2020)
The Singing School with Miles Wallis-Clarke
Musicianship - Reading Rhythm with Rebecca Berkley
Warm Ups & Gathering Songs with Ula Weber
Music & Memories with Jane Hampson
Handel's Messiah with Manvinder Rattan
Series 4 (September-October 2020)
Using Audio Loops in Virtual Rehearsals with Stuart Overington
Singing in the Classroom with Imelda Shirley
Vocal Techniques for Choirs with Suzzie Vango
Rehearsal Techniques for Unauditioned Choirs with Ula Weber
Series 6 (February-March 2021)
Tonic Solfa with Rebecca Berkley
Holistic Singing with Katy Thomson
Technique Tips with Katy Thomson
Working with Accompanists with Mark Jordan
Choral Improvisation with Katy Lavinia Cooper