Sing for Pleasure

Popocatepetl (JSB #4)

Popocatepetl (JSB #4)


Popocatepetl contains seven further songs for younger singers, including action songs, starters, and rounds. As well as rhythmic and lively pieces there are also more reflective, legato ones which are helpful in improving choral tone and unaccompanied singing in children. Edited by Ken Lee and James Wild.

Members can access recordings of these songs here. Become a member today to access these exclusive, free resources. 

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1. Oo a lay lay – Traditional Echo Song
2. Popocatepetl – Jan Holdstock
3. Seagull – John Coates
4. Pizza Hut – Traditional Song
5. A Young Austrian – Traditional Action Song
6. Young Peter the Fiddler – Traditional Norwegian