Sing for Pleasure

Apple Tree (JSB #13)

Apple Tree (JSB #13)


Apple Tree is  delightful selection of songs written specifically for Key Stage 1 children (age 5-7 years). These songs may be used in music lessons to support the National Curriculum, as concert items or as part of class assemblies. Edited by Ken Lee.

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In this songbook, frequent use is made of repetition and sequence, where phrases are repeated at higher or lower pitches, which makes the songs memorable and easy to sing. Words are simple and many of the songs offer the opportunity for the children to create additional lyrics. All the songs are pitched appropriately for children of this age and use a limited number of notes (tone set). They are comfortable to sing and encourage good intonation (singing in tune).

Songs like Lonely Bird are ideal for encouraging legato singing (rich, smooth, sustained tone) whereas others, such as Soldiers Marching, are pulse finding songs. I Can Climb a Scale and Apple Tree encourage the children to think about pitch (the direction the notes take stepwise up and down and “jumps” between notes).


1. Just Like Me
2. Soldiers Marching
3. Swinging
4. Lonely Bird
5. Apple Tree
6. I Can Climb a Scale
7. Off on Holiday

Composer Information

Paul Partington is an experienced Music Curriculum Specialist with Salford Music and Performing Arts Service and works with children in the Primary sector. He has been writing songs for many years and his work has featured a number of times at The Lowry, one of Salford’s premier venues.