Sing for Pleasure

X Marks the Spot

X Marks the Spot


X Marks the Spot (JSB #18)

Be the first to receive the latest addition to the ever-popular Junior Song Book Pack!
Our new book will appeal to singers of all ages and includes old favourites such as the ‘Rattlin’ bog’ and ‘I bought me a cat’ – new cumulative songs by SfP composers including Suzzie Vango, Ula Weber and Oliver Tarney.

Edited by Don Gillthorpe.

And don’t forget, if you’re a member of SfP you get a 10% discount on all SfP publications, and there’s a further 10% discount for bulk orders!

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Contents coming soon!

Editor Information

Don Gillthorpe is Director of Music at Ripley St Thomas CE Academy in Lancaster, where he has established a thriving department with a culture of music making as an integral part of school life. As part of the school’s wider remit, Don is a Lead Practitioner and a Specialist Leader in Education, supporting other music departments and leading a school-centred Secondary Music PGCE programme. Don is Head of Publications for Sing for Pleasure as well as tutoring on SfP conducting courses.  Alongside this, Don is Director of Music at Lancaster Priory and Director of Church Music for the Morland Choristers’ Camp.