Sing for Pleasure

SfP for Music Educators

What We Do

SfP for Music Educators

Launched in 2015 and overseen by Baz Chapman, former Programme Director at Sing Up, our Vocal Leadership Training Progamme (VLTP) is designed to equip school teachers and music tutors with the skills they need to lead singing with children confidently and effectively, and develop more responsive choirs.

VLTP is based on our successful 5-Day Course for conductors and vocal leaders (Foundation & Intermediate 1 levels), and offers new and existing teachers and leaders the opportunity to develop their skills through the exploration of unaccompanied repertoire. The programme includes:

Technique Sessions

Practical demonstrations of all the key aspects of conducting and vocal leadership

Workshop Sessions

Podium time for all participants to put into practice the conducting and teaching skills they have learnt

Repertoire Sessions

An opportunity to learn how to use SfP resources effectively in the classroom and beyond

On completion of the programme, participants receive certification as a Sing for Pleasure Singing Leader.

The programme is flexible enough to benefit different participant groups; it can be run in partnership with music education hubs, for staff and/or teachers in schools within hub areas, or it can be arranged for teachers in individual school clusters and federations. It is flexible in its structure, too. Training sessions can be spread out over a period of months during the course of one year, and on different days/times of the week (including twilights and Saturdays), to suit.

In its first year alone, VLTP was adopted by 6 music education hubs across the UK – and highly praised by the hub leads involved.

To find out more about VTLP, including costs, read our brochure. To explore the possibilities of running a programme, please contact us.

"I love your approach and methodology. You enable people to have a go, make mistakes in a safe environment and build in confidence. I also totally buy into the techniques you are encouraging – a calmer, less complicated way for people to lead a choir without feeling like they have to ‘conduct’ a choir! Perfect!”

−Lisa Mayo, Head of Gloucestershire Music


Publications & Resources >

We publish a number of flexible, road-tested songbooks for choirs of all ages and various voice types, including our renowned junior songbook pack


SfP for Teachers >

Sing for Pleasure offers training, resources, and professional development for teachers and vocal leaders to develop their skills